
Advance Care Planning

Advanced care planning allows patients and families to discuss sensitive issues regarding your wishes when you are no longer able to make decisions on your own. The discussion with family members and your health care team provides an opportunity to share your preferences and discuss end of life care. By communicating and potentially documenting your prior capable wishes, there is greater likelihood to avoid potential conflict or mis-communication with family members, regarding your decisions.

Advanced Care Planning is a process that involves the reflection of your personal wishes and communication with your loved ones regarding your personal views on future health and personal care.  In the event that you are no longer capable of consenting or refusing healthcare treatment, then an advanced care plan will support your wishes for your care.

A number of different resources are available online for Advanced Care Planning. There is also short tip sheet here: http://www.communitylegalcentre.ca/legal_information/LEARNLAW/LEARNLAW-36-DoINeedAPOA.pdf

Hospice Palliative Care Ontario has coordinated booklets to patients for Advanced Care Planning purposes: http://www.speakupontario.ca or http://advancecareplanning.ca

People who are middle income earners may be eligible to have Powers of Attorney done through Pro Bono Ontario: https://www.probonoontario.org. More information can be obtained by calling Community Advocacy and Legal Centre (CALC) or the Northumberland Legal Clinic, to speak with a lawyer who will draft the documents, and the lawyer will send them out by mail. It's a useful resource for people who do not qualify financially for our services but cannot afford a lawyer.

The Ministry of the Attorney General has booklets available at:


The advance care planning package includes the following information: